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Named delivery of 2400TEU container ship "CUL QINGDAO"

2023-11-10 views 201

On the morning of November 9, our group and ZCUL jointly held a grand naming and delivery ceremony for the first 2400TEU container ship jointly built by both parties. Ms. Yuan Wenjing named the new ship "CUL QINGDAO" and threw champagne. The guests took a group photo with the new ship, and wished the new ship would ride the wind and waves, and be full of goods, bring safety to the crew, and bring wealth and glory to the ship owner and all partners.


Guests went aboard to visit the new ship. "CUL QINGDAO" is the latest 2400TEU regional container ship designed by Shanghai Shipbuilding Research and Design Institute. It is bench marking against the international advanced level and has excellent performance in energy conservation, environmental protection and transportation efficiency. At the same time, in order to build a green ship and practice the ESG concept, the ship also loaded environmental protection equipment such as scrubber and AMP, as well as intelligent ship management, energy consumption monitoring and data analysis systems, and opened satellite data communication and network services to the crew.

On the day of naming, the "CUL QINGDAO" round was successfully delivered under the joint witness of all guests. The new ship is planned to be released and put into operation on the 13th.


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